Man Without Qualities

Sunday, September 15, 2002

Janet Reno Unbound II

UPDATE: No guts.


After saying that she would not sue to challenge the Democratic primary disaster, Janet Reno may sue after all. But she still feels the need to characterize her actions preposterously as directed against Jeb Bush.

Ms. Reno should drop the pretense and go for the gold.

But, for the moment she is not so ambitious. The planned suit would concern problems with the new electronic voting machines: Among the allegations: touch-screen machines suffer from the buildup of smudges as more people vote that create inaccuracies .... One certainly hopes that if the suit is filed some way will be found to reference My Big Fat Greek Wedding in the complaint and briefs. It's a really good movie in which the bride's father persuasively advances the position that a little Windex will fix just about anything.

By her own allegations, if more of the Broward and Miami-Dade County poll workers had seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Ms. Reno might be the Democratic nominee for Governor today! Perhaps the court could order that viewing this movie be made part of South Florida poll worker training in the future as part of the relief Ms. Reno's campaign obtains. Such modest relief seems appropriate for Ms. Reno's current modest electoral ambitions.

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