Man Without Qualities

Sunday, December 14, 2003

Saddam, From The Spider Hole ...

... and into the bag.

The improbable conditions of Saddam Hussein's capture bring home - among other things - why it may be so difficult to locate any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

Greg Scobe thinks Saddam will likely have lots of embarrassing things to report on German and French complicity with his regime.

The giant sucking-up sounds now coming from the better furnished European weasel pens is consistent with that kind of conclusion.

UPDATE: Doesn't seem as though a lot of love is being lost on Saddam in Araby.

FURTHER UPDATE: This is still preliminary. But if reports of Atta/Saddam/Nidal/Niger/Uranium/al-Qaeda connections hold up, it looks like they'll be singing "It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas" early, often and with extra brio this year at the White House.

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