Man Without Qualities

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Could Have Fooled Me

I haven't heard (Hot) Air America myself, but some reviewers suggest it wasn't funny and sounded more than a little like Amateur Hour:

Franken['s] ... first few minutes ... was read with enough tension in his voice you’d have looked away in embarrassment were he performing stand-up in front of you. ...

Franken acknowledged his unfamiliarity with the tricks of the talk radio trade ...

By the second hour, when former 9/11 Commission member Bob Kerrey came on, Franken found a comfort level, although the interview itself was a slightly more informal version of what you’d get on public radio.

So it's former 9/11 Commission member Bob Kerrey? The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (also known as the 9-11 Commission), seems to think that Bob Kerrey is still one of its members.

Perhaps the reviewer just couldn't bring himself to believe that a current member of the Commission would have judgment so bad as to actually appear as part of the debut of a strident show whose self-avowed purpose is to defeat the President's re-election effort while the Commission is embroiled in its biggest controversy yet?

But, not to worry ... Sen. Hillary Clinton is scheduled for Thursday’s show. Former Bush administration counter terrorism expert Richard Clarke will be a guest on Friday.

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