Man Without Qualities

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Pathetic .... And Bound To Lose: Flip-Flopping At Midnight, Or Kerry v. Kerry Again

John Kerry, 9-2-2004:

I'm not going to have my commitment to defend this country questioned by those who refused to serve when they could have...

John Kerry, 2-27-1992

Kelley Benander, a spokeswoman for Kerry’s campaign, responded to the charges by saying: “John Kerry has always said military experience is not a pre-requisite for the presidency ....

On Feb. 27, 1992, Kerry defended then presidential candidate Bill Clinton against an attack by his Democratic rival Sen. Bob Kerrey (D-Neb.). As the primary season unfolded, Kerrey, who lost part of his leg in Vietnam, had peppered Clinton with uncomfortable questions about whether the Arkansan had evaded the draft.

Kerry hit back at his Senate colleague, saying: "I am saddened by the fact that Vietnam has yet again been inserted into the campaign, and that it has been inserted in what I feel to be the worst possible way. . . . What saddens me most is that Democrats, above all those who shared the agonies of that generation, should now be re-fighting the many conflicts of Vietnam in order to win the current political conflict of a presidential primary."

Could Senator Kerry get any more pathetic than attempting to meet criticisms of his post-Vietnam record with by misrepresenting those criticisms as attacks on his patriotism and simultaneously feeds the Bush-Cheney criticism of the Senator's record as largely flip-flopping by, well, flip-flopping on whether a President needs to have military service in his (or her?!) resume.

By the way, how many Democratic women office holders have been ever in the military?

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